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Plainfin Midshipman Video Stock Footage

This fish reaches up to 38 cm (15 in) in length. It is brownish to olive to iridescent purple dorsally, becoming lighter on the sides and yellowish/golden on the belly. Below the eye is a whitish patch and black crescent. A young individual may have a dark saddle-mark. The fish has wide pectoral fins and a narrow but rounded tail fin. Its diet includes crustaceans and fish. It is nocturnal, feeding at night and resting during the day, when it buries itself in the sand. Learn more about Plainfin Midshipman

View related species in family group: Toadfish and Frogfish

Animalia: Chordata: Batrachoidiformes: Actinopterygii: Batrachoididae: Porichthys notatus

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