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Barred Owl Video Stock Footage

The adult is 40–63 cm (16–25 in) long with a 96–125 cm (38–49 in) wingspan. Weight in this species is 500 to 1,050 g (1.10 to 2.31 lb). It has a pale face with dark rings around the eyes, a yellow beak and brown eyes. It is the only true owl of the eastern United States which has brown eyes all others have yellow eyes. The upper parts are mottled gray-brown. The underparts are light with markings the chest is barred horizontally while the belly is streaked vertically (hence the name "barred owl"). The legs and feet are covered in feathers up to the talons. The head is round and lacks ear tufts. Outside of the closely related spotted owl, this streaky, dark-eyed, chunky-looking owl is unlikely to be confused over most of the range. The spotted owl is similar in appearance, but is slightly smaller and has spots rather than streaks down the underside. The great horned owl is much larger, has ear tufts, and has yellow eyes. Learn more about Barred Owl

View related species in family group: Owl

Animalia: Chordata: Strigiformes: Aves: Strigidae: Strix varia

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