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Chipping Sparrow Video Stock Footage

Throughout the year, adults are gray below and an orangish-rust color above. Adults in alternate (breeding) plumage have a reddish cap, a nearly white supercilium, and a black trans-ocular line (running through the eye). Adults in basic (nonbreeding) plumage are less prominently marked, with a brownish cap, a dusky eyebrow, and a dark eye-line. Juvenile chipping sparrows are prominently streaked below. Like non-breeding adults, they show a dark eye-line, extending both in front of and behind the eye. The brownish cap and dusky eyebrow are variable but generally obscure in juveniles. Learn more about Chipping Sparrow

View related species in family group: Sparrow

Animalia: Chordata: Passeriformes: Aves: Emberizidae: Spizella passerina

Viewing 1 to 20 of 65 Chipping Sparrow Video Clips

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