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Julia Creek Dunnart Video Stock Footage

The Julia Creek dunnart (Sminthopsis douglasi) is a marsupial with a buffy brown upperside and white underside. This dunnart has a body length of 100–135 mm with a tail of 60–105 mm to make a total length of 160–240 mm. Its weight is between 40 and 70 g. The length of the hind foot is 22–24 mm. The species has a dark brown triangle colour from above and below the eye with the point at the nose, and another dark stripe on top of the skull. A healthy dunnart has a carrot-shaped tail filled with fat stores. Learn more about Julia Creek Dunnart

View related species in family group: Marsupial

Animalia: Chordata: Dasyuromorphia: Mammalia: Dasyuridae: Sminthopsis douglasi

Viewing 1 to 20 of 26 Julia Creek Dunnart Video Clips


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