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Leather Star Video Stock Footage

The leather star has a broad central disc and five plump, short arms which taper broadly from the central disc. The arms have two rows of tube feet and no bordering marginal plates. The upper surface is smooth and velvety, covered with a reticulated pattern in reddish-brown, often with patches of greyish-blue. No pedicellariae are present, but the madreporite can be seen. This starfish can grow to about 25 cm in diameter and has a distinctive smell that resembles garlic and sulphur. Off the Washington coast, spawning is from April to August. The females release yellow eggs which are fertilized in the water column. The larvae then become part of the zooplankton. Learn more about Leather Star

View related species in family group: Sea Star

Animalia: Echinodermata: Valvatida: Asteroidea: Asteropseidae: Dermasterias imbricata

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