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Mangrove Warbler Video Stock Footage

The song is a musical strophe that can be rendered sweet sweet sweet, I'm so sweet, although it varies considerably between populations. The call is a soft or harder chip or ship. This is particularly frequently given by females after a male has finished his song. In territorial defence, they give hissing calls, while seet seems to be a kind of specialized cowbird alert (see below). Other calls are given in communication between pair-members, neighbors, or by young begging for food. These birds also communicate with postures and perhaps with touch. Learn more about Mangrove Warbler

View related species in family group: Warbler

Animalia: Chordata: Passeriformes: Aves: Parulidae: Setophaga petechia

Viewing 1 to 20 of 36 Mangrove Warbler Video Clips


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