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Sailfin Snapper Video Stock Footage

The sailfin snapper or blue-lined sea bream (Symphorichthys spilurus) is a species of snapper native to the Indo-Pacific region. It inhabits coral reefs in areas with sand substrates at depths from 5 to 60 m (16 to 197 ft). It is a solitary fish, only coming together with others of its species to spawn. This species can reach a length of 60 cm (24 in). Its body shows blue undulating stripes over a yellow body, an orange stripe crossing the eye, and another one at the back of the head. It has typically a black spot at its tail. It is of minor importance to local commercial fisheries and can be found in the aquarium trade. It is currently the only known member of its genus. Learn more about Sailfin Snapper

View related species in family group: Snapper

Animalia: Chordata: Perciformes: Actinopterygii: Lutjanidae: Symphorichthys spilurus

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